Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Creatore's Band  Ballet music: Excelsior  Edison Blue Amberol: 4537 
 2. Edison Concert Band  Ballet music from Faust. Part 3 [Faust. Ballet; arr.]  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9578 
 3. Edison Concert Band  Ballet music from Faust. Part 1 [Faust. Ballet; arr.]  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8450 
 4. chuck  Heavy Surf Ballet Music  chuck's GarageBand 
 5. Gilmore's Band  Ballet music, from William Tell [Guillaume Tell. Selections; arr.]  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 31870 
 6. American Symphony Orchestra (West Orange, N.J)  Ballet music from The prophet [Prophète. Selections] (take 3)  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9967 
 7. Edison Concert Band  Ballet music from William Tell [Guillaume Tell. Selections; arr.]  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9449 
 8. Columbia Band  Ballet music, from William Tell [Guillaume Tell. Selections; arr.]  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 31870 
 9. American Symphony Orchestra (West Orange, N.J)  Ballet music from The prophet [Prophète. Selections] (take 1)  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9967 
 10. Gounod  Allegro Vivo from the Ballet Music of Faust   
 11. James Last  James Last - Grand Collection. James Last - 15 - Ballet Music  Grand Collection. James Last 
 12. Fred Giannelli  Excelsior  Superstition 2025 CD/D12 
 13. Harry Anthony and James F. Harrison  Excelsior  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8985 
 14. Fred Giannelli  Excelsior  Superstition 2025 CD/D12 
 15. Peter Dawson and Ernest Pike  Excelsior  Edison Amberol: 12074 
 16. The Flaming Lips  In Excelsior Vaginalistic  Christmas On Mars 
 17. Dave Miller  Excelsior Interlude  Regional Raccolta Remakes 
 18. Dave Miller  Excelsior Interlude  Regional Raccolta Remakes 
 19. The Flaming Lips  In Excelsior Vaginalistic  Christmas On Mars: A Fantastical Film Freakout Featuring The Flaming Lips [2008] 
 20. The Flaming Lips  In Excelsior Vaginalistic  Christmas On Mars 
 21. The Flaming Lips  In Excelsior Vaginalistic  Christmas On Mars: A Fantastical Film Freakout Featuring The Flaming Lips [2008] 
 22. gmanual  sloan wall excelsior  RCC 06 09 
 23. YMO  Ballet  www.getthecurse.com 
 24. Berlioz, Hector  Ballet  Les Troyens 
 25. Berlioz, Hector  Ballet  Les Troyens 
 26. YMO  Ballet  www.getthecurse.com  
 27. Arie Zonshine  9/8 Ballet  Music for Theatre 
 28. Chris Brousseau  Zem Ballet  Electric Cloud 
 29. Silvestre Fonseca/Filipa Andrade  Ballet  Guitarra Cl�ssica 
 30. Chris Brousseau  Zem Ballet  Electric Cloud 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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